Monday, September 23, 2024


IIP: Assassinating Anbar figures indicates decline of security situation

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Islamic Party denounced assassinating MP, Efan al-Issawi, of the Iraqiya Slate and the chieftain of Jobour tribes in Iraq, Mohammed Tahier, who were assassinated in less than 48 hours.

In a press statement received by, the IIP stated “Such criminal actions aim at hindering the calls for reformations and silencing the voice of right of the masses.”

“Iraq witnesses a huge public demonstrations that call for legitimate rights,” the statement added, noting that “Assassinating the national figures of Anbar and Nineveh provinces is a threatening message by the sides that do not want the best for Iraq.”

The IIP called “The political sides to realize their responsibilities and work hard to respond to the demands of the demonstrators and stop any attempts that aim at brining the violence back.”

It is worth mentioning that MP Issawi has been assassinated on Tuesday by a suicide bombing in eastern Ramadi, capital of Anbar province.