Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraqiya Slate appreciates Religious Authority’s stance in coping with crises

Iraqiya Slate appreciates Religious Authority\

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate, headed by Aiyad Allawi, stressed its support to the call of the Religious Authority over securing the demonstrators and not to use force against them.

the IS also expressed support for the call of the Iraqi National Coalition that urged the head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim to hold meeting that gathers all the political sides to address the current political crisis.

The spokesperson of the IS, Maysoun al-Damaluji said that “We would like to express our support and appreciation to the Religious Authority in Najaf and its honorable and wise stances in coping with the problems and adopting peaceful rhetoric to face crises and avoid the sectarian strife.”

The Religious Authority in Najaf has issued a number of recommendations over the recent political crisis in Iraq on lips of its representative in Karbala in which he called to keep self-restraint and avoid any armed clash between the security forces and the demonstrators.

On other hand, the Iraqi National Alliance called the head of the SIIC al-Hakim to gather all the political sides around the dialogue table to discuss addressing the crisis.