Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dissolving parliament to solve all problems in Iraq, says Hilli

Dissolving parliament to solve all problems in Iraq, says Hilli

Baghdad ( MP, Waleed al-Hilli, of the State of Law Coalition assured that dissolving the parliament will solve all the problems in the country.

He stated to “All the problems in the parliamentary countries require dissolving the parliament and coming up with new parliament to solve them.”

“We will call to dissolve the parliament and the Government together if they can not solve the disputes,” he concluded.

Earlier, Maliki’s office issued a statement stressing that “Maliki will be forced to call for early elections if the political blocs reject resorting to the dialogue.”

The head of the Iraqiya Slate, Ayad Allawi, called the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to resign from his post and to conduct early parliamentary elections to settle the problems in the country.

In a statement for the Iraqis, he said “I call for holding early parliamentary elections and support Maliki’s call in this regard through submitting his resignation and to form a temporary government by the parliament under the supervision of the United Nations.”