Monday, September 23, 2024


Hurra Iraqiya Coalition condoles Iraqis for MP Esawi’s death

Hurra Iraqiya Coalition condoles Iraqis for MP Esawi\

Baghdad ( The head of the Hurra Iraqiya Coalition condoles Iraqis for the death of MP, Efan al-Issawi, who was assassinated in Fallujah city on last Tuesday.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The criminal gangs was unable to confront Issawi due to patriotic spirit and his love for the poepl of his country so they killed him.”

“He was strong in confronting terrorism and promoting the culture of tolerance as well as coexstince,” he added.

It is worth mentioning that MP, Efan al-Esawi has been assassinated on Tuesday by a suicide bombing in eastern Ramadi, capital of Anbar province.