Wednesday, September 25, 2024


IS MP warns of continuity of current political crisis

IS MP warns of continuity of current political crisis

Baghdad ( MP, Salim Dili, of the Iraqiya Slate warned of the continuity of the current political crisis.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The current crisis is different from the previous crises because the public are one side of it which is very dangerous.”

“The political process is in a critical stage so the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and all the political blocs must do their best to overcome this crisis,” he added.

Over the intention to investigate Maliki, he said “It is an old project since the time of Erbil-Meeting but it failed at that time because the President, Jalal Talabani, interfered and showed that votes are not enough.”

“Since the crisis resumed, the blocs realize that the problem lies in Maliki who monopolizes the authority and leads the country towards the civil war through escalating the disputes,” he concluded.