Friday, September 20, 2024


Sadr announces supporting religious authority’s call to respond to demonstrators’ demands

Sadr announces supporting religious authority\

Baghdad ( The head of the Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced supporting the stance of the religious authority over responding to the demonstrators” demands.

Some statements distributed by the committees of the Sadr Trend received by, cited “Due to Sadr’s instructions regarding the demonstrations in some provinces, all the media statements must be united and according to the following points, otherwise the violator will hold the responsibility.”

The points are

1- We support the religious authority’s stance to adhere to the legitimate demonstrators’ demands.

2- The specialists must apply Article 4 of Anti-Terrorism law in a just and professional way.

3- The specialists must implement the Justice and Accountability law in justice and fair way.

4- Releasing all the not guilty detainees and expedite holding trails for the others.

5- The discrimination and marginalization policy is the common one in the governmental institution and the Cabinet in particular. So, we call to stop it and achieve the real partnership.

6- There is negligence by the government for the service files where it must serve the people not the posts.

It is worth mentioning that Sadr called his followers to demonstrate on next Friday to denounce the bombings that took place in Quetta city of Pakistan and support the families of the victims.