Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Seven-side Committee can not release judicially convicted prisoners, says MP

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed al-Hindawi, of Fadhila bloc within the Iraqi National Alliance assured that the Seven-side Committee tasked to consider the demonstrators’ demands can not release the judicially convicted prisoners.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “Canceling the judicial sentence is impossible but the committee can release the innocent detainees whose release delayed due to the legal procedures.”

“The convicted detainees can not be released except through the General Amnesty law,” he mentioned.

“The INA set conditions to approve the General Amnesty law like excluding the terrorists, thieves of antiquities, adulterous, criminals convicted with spy and sabotage crimes,” he added.

“The Kurdistani Alliance agreed upon these exclusions but the Iraqiya Slate instated on eliminating them,” he confirmed.

“Eliminating these exclusions means releasing the terrorists who will resume their terrorist acts while the victims’ rights will be abandoned,” he concluded.