Monday, September 23, 2024


Nusayif urges US, UN to be neutral in dealing with Iraqi-Kuwaiti pending issues

Nusayif urges US, UN to be neutral in dealing with Iraqi-Kuwaiti pending issues

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya Slate called “The US Administration and the Representatives of the UN to be neutral in dealing with Iraqi-Kuwaiti pending issues without being allying to Kuwait.”

She stated to “The US Administration and the Representatives of the UN must deal neutrally and objectively with these files and to consider the injustice practiced against Iraq due to the unjust resolution of the UN.”

“Iraqis’ confiscated rights will be a curse against those who confiscated them and the history will scandalize the sides kept Iraq under the seventh Chapter of the UN Charter despite the eliminations of the reasons led to imposing it on Iraq,” she concluded.