Monday, September 23, 2024


Integrity Committee: New evidences over corruption accompanying armament deal with Russia

Integrity Committee: "New evidences over corruption accompanying armament deal with Russia"

Baghdad ( Member of the parliamentary Integrity Committee, MP Jawad al-Shiheli revealed new evidences concerning the involvement of the Iraqi Presidency Advisor, Abdul Aziz al-Badri, in the corruption accompanying the armament deal concluded earlier with Russia.

Shiheli told Iraqi News ( “There are new evidences of financial statements revealed that the suspect Advisor along with his brother Nizar al-Badri transferred huge moneys outside Iraq in 2008, 2009, 2010,” noting that “Those evidences were attached to the previous evidences.”

The Iraqi Government concluded in October, 2012 a number of armament deals with Russia and Czech during the visit of the Premier Nouri al-Malki to both of these countries.