Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Sadrist MP calls Maliki to meet legitimate demands of current demonstrations

Sadrist MP calls Maliki to meet legitimate demands of current demonstrations

Baghdad ( MP Hussein al-Shirefi of the Ahrar bloc within the Iraqi National Alliance called the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki to implement the legitimate demands of the demonstrators so as not to affect the Iraqi people and their interests.

Shirefi said in a statement received by “The launch of demonstrations are legal right and guaranteed by the constitution as long as they do not threaten the political process or the Iraqi citizens’ interests,” noting that “The demonstrations in Anbar, Salah il-Din and Nineveh provinces demand for services, release of detainees, as well as other demands which are all legitimate and we do not have any objection on them.”

“But, as for those demands that call to cancel the Accountability & Justice law and the Anti-Terrorism Law’s article 4, we think that they are not legitimate so we never support them,” he concluded.