Sunday, September 22, 2024


Araji: extremist figures seek to address crisis through splitting Iraq or creating civil war

Araji: extremist figures seek to address crisis through splitting Iraq or creating civil war

Baghdad ( The head of the parliamentary Ahrar bloc, Baha al-Araji confirmed that “The current crisis in Iraq is a state crisis rather than being government or parliament crisis, and all the political blocs have part in the crisis so it must be settled through dialogue.”

Araji reported in a statement receive by on Sunday “His regret over the statements of some extremist political figures who talk about possibility of addressing the crisis through splitting Iraq or through the civil war.”

He added “Preserving Iraq’s unity is the responsibility of all, but the sides which believe in splitting the country to address the crisis seek to achieve cheap interests.”

“The masses’ demands are not restricted to provinces of Anbar, Mosul, but Basra, Nasiriya, Amara, Najaf, Karbala and other provinces also have demands, therefore all bear responsibility to cope wisely with this situation,” Araji concluded.