Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Kurdish MP: Limiting terms of three presidencies to prevent creating new dictatorship

Kurdish MP: Limiting terms of three presidencies to prevent creating new dictatorship

Baghdad ( MP, Salman Fawzi, of the Kurdistani Alliance stated that endorsing the law draft of limiting the terms of the three presidencies will prevent the belief that attempt to create a new dictatorship in Iraq.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “There are some sides attempting to not leave the power and authority where some of the political blocs voted on this law draft which is considered as a great achievement in the new Iraq.”

“Any side has the right to adhere to the Federal Court over this law draft where the Federal Court will state whether this law draft is according to the law or not,” he added, noting that “This law is supplementary to the constitution.”

“The constitution did not state about limiting the terms of the PM Post, but it does not mean that it allows the PM to have this post for more than two terms,” he concluded.