Saturday, September 21, 2024


Parliamentary committee calls to invest budget funds in upgrading Iraq’s economy

Parliamentary committee calls to invest budget funds in upgrading Iraq\

Baghdad ( Member of the Economic Parliamentary Committee Qusay Jumaa called to “spend the funds of the federal budget of 2013 according to standards that contribute in upgrading the economic level in Iraq.””The economy of Iraq has just revitalized through increasing the Oil revenues, which participated in promoting the state budget to reach USD (120) billion,” stressing ”The importance of investing the funds of the budget according to standards that contribute in upgrading the economic level of Iraq.””The political situations are affecting the economy, though, we see our economy ranges between stability and degradation,” he pointed out.The Council of Ministers has endorsed the 2013 State budget law draft which reached IQD (138) trillion on October 23rd and the Parliament finalized the first and the second readings for the budget law draft. \