Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Urgent – .Abu Risha: Maliki divests me of my guards

Breaking News....Abu Risha: Maliki divests me of my guards

Baghdad ( The Secretary General of Sahwat al-Iraq Conference, Ahmed Abu Risha, assured “The General Commander of Armed Forces, Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, has divested me of my gaurds.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “Maliki instructed to withdraw the regiment responsible for my protection and took their weapons,” noting that “This is an attempt to target the prominent tribal figures in Anbar who supported demonstrators.”

“Standing by the demonstrators is better than supporting Maliki, he concluded.

For his part, Chieftain of Shumar Tribe in Anbar, Abdul Razaq al-Shimmari, stated to reporter “After this decision, we gathered a number of Anbar province citizens who volunteered to protect Abu Risha.”