Friday, September 27, 2024


Shubar: Qardhawi’s proposed visit to Anbar Unwelcomed

Shubar: Qardhawi\

Baghdad ( MP, Ali Shubar, of Citizen bloc described the proposed visit of the Egyptian Clergyman, Yousif al-Qardhawi, who resides Qatar, to Anbar province as “Unwelcomed.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The citizens and the chieftains of Anbar are the first who reject this visit but some sides imposed it,” noting that “His visit is unwelcomed unless he apologizes to Iraqis for his hostile statements against them.”

“All sides know the Takfiri thoughts of Qardhawi that is why his visit to Iraq will consolidate disputes as he will work to urge some sides to demonstrate to destabilize the security situation in Iraq,” he added.

He called “All the political blocs to reject this visit and considering it a violation for the sovereignty of Iraq.”

Media outlets mentioned that Barzani invited the Egyptian Clergyman, Yousif al-Qardhawi, to visit Kurdistani Region.

The outlets added that Qardhawi will visit Anbar to address the demonstrators over the current crisis in Iraq.