Friday, September 27, 2024


Mayahi calls government not to grant visa to Qardhawi

Mayahi calls government not to grant visa to Qardhawi

Baghdad ( MP, Aziz al-Mayahi, of the White bloc called the government not to grant the Egyptian Clergyman, Yousif al-Qardhawi, to visit Iraq.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said ” Qardhawi’s visit is not welcomed in Iraq and he has sectarian believes where we call those who invited him to avoid the consequences of his visit.”

“Iraq has a political crisis and the existence of such people might increase the crisis among the Iraqis,” he added, calling “The politicians who invited Qardhawi to cancel the invitation.”

Media outlets mentioned that Barzani invited the Egyptian Clergyman, Yousif al-Qardhawi, to visit Kurdistani Region.

The outlets added that Qardhawi will visit Anbar to address the demonstrators over the current crisis in Iraq.