Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kartani urges Maliki to be wise in dealing with current crisis

Kartani urges Maliki to be wise in dealing with current crisis

Baghdad ( MP, Hamza al-Kartani, of the Iraqiya Slate called “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to be wise in dealing with the current crisis.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Maliki should give the political partners their merits after the failure of the efforts to support the national reconciliation.”

“Adherence to dictatorship and monopolization has a definite end which is known to all,” he added.

“Maliki has to respond to the demonstrators’ demands immediately to avoid critical consequences,” he stressed, assuring that “The IS used to call to accomplish the national balance yet we did not see any response in this regard.”

“The Government and the State of Law Coalition are responsible because they confront any attempt to accomplish the balance,” he mentioned.

“Unfortunately, all the IS attempts failed and the government is going on in creating the crises to avoid implementing the former agreements,” he concluded.