Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Maliki’s alliance warns from shifting demonstrations from Anbar to Baghdad


Baghdad ( MP, Sami al-Askari, of the State of Law Coalition headed by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, warned from shifting the demonstrations from Anbar province to Baghdad province.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said ” The sides that are behind the demonstrations have not specific demands that can be achieved, but they have some aims that are for disturbing the political process and the stability in Iraq in order to create the sectarian conflict where the announcement over shifting the demonstrations to Baghdad has more than an indicator and concerns over clashes between the citizens of Baghdad and the demonstrators from Anbar.”

“All the sides must have a clear stance over this issue because it is not related to internal agendas, but it is led by foreign ones and linked to al-Qaeda Terrorist Organizations,” he concluded.

The organizers of the demonstrations announced to shift the demonstrations from Anbar province and to Baghdad by holding a unified prayer at Abu Hanifa Mosque in al-Adhamiya area of northern Baghdad where some political and religious sides called to cancel moving to Baghdad.