Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Dori describes MPs’ stance towards endorsement of Budget law as “Disappointing”

Dori describes MPs\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Etab al-Dori, of the Iraqiya Slate described the MPs’ stance towards the endorsement of the Budget law of 2013 as “Disappointing and clear negligence for the citizens’ ambitions.”

She stated to IraqiNews.com “Delaying the endorsement of the Budget law will lead to economic and social huge consequences and will participate in consolidating the current political crisis.”

“The Parliament Chairmanship was not successful in preparing the agenda of last Monday session,” she added.

“The disputes among the blocs over some articles within this law are the reason behind the delay of its endorsement,” he continued.

She called “All sides to assume their national responsibility by endorsing the Budget law to make the citizens happy.”