Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki invites PM of Kurdistan Region to visit Baghdad

Maliki invites PM of Kurdistan Region to visit Baghdad

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, invited the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Nijervan Barzani, to visit Baghdad to discuss the pending issue especially the oil ones.

A statement by Kurdistan Regional Government received by on Tuesday quoted the spokesperson of the Kurdistani Alliance, Muaed al-Tayib, as saying “Maliki invited Barzani to visit Baghdad to discuss the pending issues between the two governments.”

“The Kurdish sides, during a meeting, discussed this invitation and authorized Barzani to choose the suitable time to conduct the visit and whether he goes himself or send an envoy to Baghdad to resume the talks over the pending issues such as the Oil and Gas law, the Budget of the Peshmerga and the disputed areas,” he added.

“The Federal Government expressed its readiness to discuss the Kurdish demands where Iraq cannot tolerate more crises among the political blocs,” he concluded.