Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MoI conducts tight measures against its corrupted elements

MoI conducts tight measures against its corrupted elements

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Ministry of Interior announced conducting harsh measures against its corrupted elements.The official spokesperson of the Minister, Brigadier Saad Maan, reported in statement received by IraqiNews.com on Wednesday ”The Secretary General of the MoI, Adnan al-Asadi, instructed the General Inspector Directorate to conduct the supervisory and legal procedures against the corrupted elements of the MoI since they are offending the security achievements and the services that are presented by the elements of the Ministry of Interior on security and services levels.””Those who face charges of impersonating, exploiting posts, shooting without necessity, manipulating the investigation documents, assaulting employees and many others are to be punished,” the statement concluded. \