Saturday, September 21, 2024


WR Minister visits Talabani

Baghdad ( The Minister of the Water Resources Ministry, Mohannad al-Saadi, visited the President, Jalal Talabani, at the hospital in Germany to check on his health condition.

A statement by the WR Ministry received by on Saturday cited “Saadi expressed his wishes for the quickest recovery to Talabani to return to Iraq to resume his tasks and to settle the pending issues among the political blocs.”

“Saadi visited the Iraqi Embassy to Germany where he reviewed with the Iraqi Ambassador to Germany, the services provided to the Iraqi community in Germany to help them in settling their problems and needs,” the statement concluded.

The physician, Najim al-Din Karim, who is accompanying the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in his treatment journey, assured that Talabani’s health is continuously improving.

Karim assured in a press statement on Friday “The President Talabani started to talk normally and the medical team supervising his treatment confirmed that Talabani will return to Iraq soon.”

“Talabani started to talk normally and his memory started to act normally, too,” he assured.