Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Kurdish MP describes calls inviting Barzani to return to his sect as provocative

Kurdish MP describes calls inviting Barzani to return to his sect as provocative

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Haval Kwistani of the Kurdish Change bloc described the calls that were forwarded to the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, which invited him to give up his nationality and head towards the sectarian alignment, as provocative and sectarian.

Kwistani told Iraqi News “These calls that were released by some sides inviting Barzani to give away his nationality and stand with certain sect against other sect are sectarian and provocative calls where they would deepen the crisis.”

Earlier, Friday prayer’s orator in Faluja district has called on last Friday, Barzani to give up his nationality, saying that “You owe us as we taught you the Islam.”