Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maysan PC urges Federal Government to respond for its demands

Maysan PC urges Federal Government to respond for its demands

Maysan, Amara ( The Provincial Council of Maysan province threatened the Federal Government to take steps, did not reveal them, if the Federal Government did not respond for their demands.The Chairman of Maysan Provincial Council, Abdul Hussein Abdul Reda, reported in a press conference held at the building of the council, and was attended by the members of the council and the correspondent of on Tuesday ”The Council demands the Government to compensate the victims of the former regime and the owners of the Red Military Service cards, who refused to admit to the military duty during former regime.””The demands of the council included to compensate the farmers whose territories are occupied by the Oil companies that work in the province,” he added.”The province demands to grant its share of Majnon Oil field, which reaches (33 %) and to accelerate implementing the law article (140) related to compensating displaced people in Maysan,” he pointed out.The Head of Maysan PC emphasized that ”The local Government of Maysan province will take certain steps if the Federal Government did not respond for these demands.” \