Tuesday, September 24, 2024


IS MP describes political statements after 2003 as Reactions

IS MP describes political statements after 2003 as "Reactions"

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Jamal al-Kilani, of the Iraqiya State described the political statements after 2003 as “Reactions.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said “The statement of the parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, did not change, but there are some accusations to him as being releasing sectarian statement in spite of having a moderate statement since his first day as a parliament Speaker because he represents all the Iraqis and not his bloc.”

“It is very clear even in Nijaifi’s interviews such as the statement related to returning 2013 Budget to the government which is requested by the IS and the Kurdistani Alliance, but he rejected this request,” he added.

“Sometimes we criticize Nijaifi for being away from his bloc and belong to Iraq and the parliament,” he concluded.