Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Mayahi holds sectarian politicians responsible for Diwaniya explosions

Mayahi holds sectarian politicians responsible for Diwaniya explosions

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Aziz Sharif al-Mayahi of the White Iraqiya Slate held the sectarian politicians and the Qaeda elements responsible for the terrorist explosions that targeted Diwaniya city on Friday.

Mayahi said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com “Targeting the innocent civilians on Friday at the place allocated for selling cattle in Diwaniya city with two car bombs which killed and wounded dozens of citizens is regrettable and needs a serious stance from the officials to end this continuous targeting for the civilians by the Qaeda elements who enjoy Turkish and Qatari financial support and political support from the sectarian officials.”

Mayahi who represents Diwaniya in the Parliament added “The security forces are demanded to activate their intelligence role in order to block the road in front of the terrorists.”

Diwaniya witnessed on Friday morning two explosions of car bombs that resulted in killing and injuring dozens of civilians.