Wednesday, September 25, 2024


IS warns from Maliki’s interferences in parliament performance

IS warns from Maliki\

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate warned from the attempts of separating the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Authorities that were mentioned in the constitution in addition to the interferences of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in the performance of the parliament.

In a press statement received by, the IS stated “The IS warns from Maliki’s interferences in the parliament performance and violating the three Authorities to politicize them which aims at achieving his own interest and keeping his post where he violate the constitution and the democratic morals in the political process.”

“Maliki’s attempts to replace the head of the Justice and Accountability Commission with another person from the Dawa Islamic Party have no legal and constitutional basis because the constitution clearly states that such commission is related to the parliament only,” the statement added.

“Such attempts aim at resuming the monopoly of authority and we will hardly reject these attempts with the support of all the Iraqi constituents,” the statement concluded.