Friday, September 20, 2024


MP urges Maliki to go on forming Jazeera Operations Command in western Mosul

MP urges Maliki to go on forming Jazeera Operations Command in western Mosul

Nineveh ( The head of Yazidi Movement for Reform and Progress, MP, Ameen Jijo, stressed “Forming Jazeera Operations Command in Nineveh province comes as requested by the citizens.”

Speaking to, he called “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to go on forming JOC to sustain security in western areas of Mosul and to put an end for the violations of the Kurdish forces and to protect the Iraqi borders with Syria due to the chaos in this country.”

Earlier, Kurdistani Regional Government announced its refusal for forming JOC and considers this formation as a violation for the concluded agreements between Kurdistan RegionG and the Central Government.

“Forming JOC is a constitutional right and among the exclusive authorities granted to the General Commander of the Armed Forces.”

“The formation comes after several calls by the citizens of western part of Nineveh especially the Yazidi community that complains from the deployment of the Kurdish security forces in their areas,” he mentioned.

“The Kurdish population is about 5% in this area but the Kurdish sides try to make it Kurdish areas by deploying the Kurdish forces which is a violation for the Iraqi constitution,” he concluded.