Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mayahi calls to increase financial allocations of Diwaniya province

Mayahi calls to increase financial allocations of Diwaniya province

Baghdad ( MP Aziz Sharif al-Mayahi of Diwaniya province called to allocate IQD 250 billion from the Region Development project’s budget to the province.

Mayahi said “Diwaniya is the poorest Iraqi province where it suffers oppression and lack of economic resources.”

“Diwaniya does not have any revenues other than the budget’s allocations as the province depends primarily on the agriculture which became unfruitful due to its deterioration. This led to the underdevelopment of the province where it lacks the basic services,” he added.

He continued saying “This situation necessitates allocating IQD 250 billion from the budget assigned to the Regions Development project so that deteriorate the service situation and living standard in the province which suffered marginalization and poverty over the past years.”