Monday, September 23, 2024


Kuwait submits Memorandum to UN to protest “Irresponsible acts by Iraqis near borders”

Kuwait submits Memorandum to UN to protest \"Irresponsible acts by Iraqis near borders\"

Baghdad ( The State of Kuwait said it submitted a memorandum to UN and Iraq’s Ambassador in Kuwait to express dismay at sabotage of border signs and fence by a group of Iraqis on last Monday morning.

“We have issued a statement expressing our dismay over this irresponsible act, and it is an act that run counter to the nature of brotherly relations between Kuwait and Iraq, nor does it serve approach of Iraq to close the file of the maintenance of the border signs,” Kuwaiti Foreign Undersecretary told KUNA.

KUNA added in its report “The memorandum was also sent to the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Baghdad.”

A group of Iraqis obstructed UN-supervised border signs maintenance process, according to KUNA.

KUWAIT, March 11 (KUNA) The State of Kuwait said it submitted a memorandum to UN and Iraq’s Ambassador here to express dismay at sabotage of border signs and fence by a group of Iraqis on Monday morning. “We have issued a statement expressing our dismay over this irresponsible act, and it is an act that run counter to the nature of brotherly relations between Kuwait and Iraq, nor does it serve approach of Iraq to close the file of the maintenance of the border signs,” foreign undersecretary told reporters. He was speaking after a dinner banquet held by the foreign ministry in honor of heads of diplomatic missions, who are in the country for their 7th conference. The memorandum was also sent to the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Baghdad. A group of Iraqis obstructed UN-supervised border signs maintenance process. They were present at the border area and set up a large tent near border sign No. 105, then removed thus sabotaged the border fence between signs No. 105 and 106. Al-Jarallah said he was confident the Iraqi government “will seriously act to address this incident and enable the teams who are maintaining the border signs to do their job in order to finish the maintenance in line with the already-prepared timetable, which is end of this month.” Asked on some Iraqi officials’ proposals that an independent body assess the situation in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port area, Al-Jarallah said that “we have no reservation nor objection that this independent body assess the situation and that it includes (Iraq’s) Fao Port and Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port.” On the conference of the heads of diplomatic mission, Al-Jarallah the conference was to review and assess Kuwait’s diplomacy amidst crucial challenges. He said some ministers would be addressing the conferees about the government’s policy in several domains. (pickup previous) KUNA 120048 Mar 13NNNN