Sunday, September 29, 2024


MP calls to speed up ratifying pending important laws

MP calls to speed up ratifying pending important laws

Baghdad ( MP Adil al-Maliki of the State of Law Coalition called to speed up endorsing the important laws at the parliament.

MP Maliki stated to Iraqi News on Monday “There are many pending laws left without being voted on all over the past period, so the parliament must do action to complete the legislative procedures for these laws.”

“The most important among these laws is the Oil & Gas Law as it represents the main pillar for the Iraqi economy,” he added pointing out “We witness many problems over the past period especially the disputes between the Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government on how to invest the oil wealth since there is no clear law that limits the powers of the Kurdistan RegionG and the Central government about how to run the oil sector.”

Maliki continued saying ” The law of criminalizing Baath Party is also among these pending laws where it is one of the crucial laws along with the Political Parties Law.”