Monday, September 23, 2024


Statistics: 280 citizens killed, injured due to 25 car bombs on last Tuesday

Baghdad ( About 280 citizens were killed and injured due to 25 car bombings hit Baghdad and some other provinces in the country on last Tuesday.

The death toll of these bombings according to statistics “The explosions were mainly in Baghdad in addition to roadside bombs and explosive belts as well as assassinations targeted civilians and candidates for next elections in Anbar, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Babel and Salah-il-Din provinces.”

The bombings targeted Kadhimiya, Shula, Hussainiya, Mashtal, Baghdad al-Jidida, Zafaraniya, Tarmiyah, Abu Dshier, Karadat Maryam, Utaifiya, Baya, Waziriya Saba al-Bour, Shurta al-Rabiya areas as well as Sadr city and Filsteen Road.

For its part, Baghdad Operations Command announced dismantling four car bombs three motorbike bombs as well as confiscating 46 bombs and missiles in addition to arresting 26 gunmen in various areas in Baghdad on last Tuesday.