Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdistan RegionG condemns Tuesday bombings

Erbil ( The Presidency of Kurdistani Region condemned the terrorist bombings that took place all over the country on last Tuesday.

A statement by the Presidency of Kurdistan Region received by cited “With deep regret, we received news over the terrorist bombings that hit Baghdad, Kirkuk and some other areas in Iraq and led to killing and injuring dozens of citizens.”

“As we denounce these bombings, we call the Federal Government as well as the specialized sides to work hard to sustain stability and preserve the lives of the citizens,” the statement added.

“We express our condolence for the victims’ families and wish the speediest recovery for the injured people,” the statement concluded.

About 280 citizens were killed and injured due to more than 25 car bombings in Baghdad and some other provinces on last Tuesday according to a statistics conducted by