Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Ahrar bloc threatens to take legal measures if Sadr Trend’s ministers replaced

Ahrar bloc threatens to take legal measures if Sadr Trend\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Ahrar bloc associated to the Sadr Trend announced that “The Trend will take legal measures in case the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki replaced the Sadr Trend’s ministers by other ministers.”

Baha al-Araji, the head of the bloc, stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) “The Iraqi Council of Ministers has no bylaw, consequently, Maliki’s resolutions are personal, so we will follow the legal procedures if he replaced the Sadr Trend’s ministers.”

“The Sadr Trend’s ministers did not withdraw from the CoM, but they boycotted their attendance at the Cabinet’s sessions to protest the decision of postponing the local elections of Anbar and Nineveh provinces,” he added noting “We will break our boycotting as soon as the decision of the postponement is reconsidered.”

“The Sadr Trend’s ministers are eager to be present at the ministries to provide services to the people,” Araji stressed.

Maliki has given the ministers of the Sadr Trend timeout till next Sunday to reconsider their decision of boycotting the Cabinet, threatening to replace them by others.