Tuesday, September 24, 2024


IS MP accuses some security leaders of supporting Maliki, attempting to hide their mistakes

IS MP accuses some security leaders of supporting Maliki, attempting to hide their mistakes

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Raad al-Dahlaki, of the Iraqiya Slate accused some security leaders of “Supporting the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki and attempting to hide their mistakes.”

He stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) “Some security leaders proved being loyal to Maliki where there mistakes are being covered as they want.”

“The General Commander of the Armed Forces has to announce, within the next few hours, punishing the neglectful security leaders,” he added.

“If we were adherent to the safety of the citizens, we would change the security leaders and dismiss some of them,” he pointed out.

He ruled out “Dismissing any security leader at the current time because it is clear that the officials and the security leaders have a deal to keep their posts in spite of being neglectful.”