Friday, September 20, 2024


Conclusion of Baghdad CoAC on Monday

Conclusion of Baghdad CoAC on Monday

Baghdad ( The events of Baghdad The Capital of Arab Culture will be concluded tomorrow, Monday.The morning session will start at 10 AM by inaugurating a photo exhibition of cultural heritage at the building of the Baghdadi Cultural Center.The evening events will start at 4 PM when the delegations will gather at the hotel courtyard and at 5 PM an Operetta performance entitled (Baghdad Examining) will be displayed while at 8 PM the delegations will visit the religious holy shrines in Baghdad.The evening period for official delegations will start at 5 PM with inauguration for Mansur Theater and at 5:20 PM will be a tour inside the Fine Arts Exhibition and the Photograph Exhibition.The events of the festival will be concluded at 5:40 PM with a play for the Iraqi National Symphony band followed by a performance for the Iraqi School for Music and Ballet at 6:10 PM. \END\