Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Kerry calls on Iraq not to interfere in Syrian crisis, says official

Kerry calls on Iraq not to interfere in Syrian crisis, says official

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The parliament Foreign Relations Committee announced on Sunday that “The US Secretary of State, John Kerry’s surprise visit to Iraq aims to urge Iraq not to interfere in the fighting in Syria.”

The rappateur of the committee, Imad Uhana said “The talks conducted on Sunday between the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki and Kerry tackled the Syrian crisis and the Strategic Framework Agreement between US and Iraq where Kerry confirmed the USA’s willingness to qualify the Iraqi military forces.”

“The main point they discussed is the Syrian events,” he added noting that “The USA believes that the Syrian situation is worrying and that they may resort to arm the Syrian opposition, in return Iran will arm the Syrian regime, so Kerry called on Iraq not to be supporting part for any side.”

The US Secretary of State, Kerry has arrived to Baghdad on Sunday in an unannounced visit.