Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan RegionG welcomes PKK’s decision to ceasefire

Erbil ( The Kurdistani Regional Government welcomed the decision of the Kurdistani Workers’ Party to ceasefire.

A statement by the Kurdistan RegionG received by on Sunday cited “The Kurdistan RegionG welcomes and support the decision of the PKK to ceasefire,” noting that “We think that it is a positive decision and wish to stop the bloodshed permanently between the PKK elements and the Turkish armed forces where Ankara is requested to seriously deal with this decision.”

The Kurdistan RegionG called “All sides to achieve this chance and work to sustain stability by adhering to the peaceful means for the Kurdish issue in Turkey.”

Earlier, the head of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, called the PKK elements on the 21st of March to ceasefire continued for 30 years, with Ankara that.