Monday, September 23, 2024


Sadrist MP calls to include Basra to Kuwait in case not settling borders issues with Kuwait

Sadrist MP calls to include Basra to Kuwait in case not settling borders issues with Kuwait

Baghdad ( MP, Hussein al-Mansouri, of al-Ahrar bloc within the Sadr Trend called to include Basra province to Kuwait if the government would not be able to settle the borders issues with Kuwait.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, Mansouri said “If the government cannot settle the borders issues with Kuwait without taking more Iraqi territories, we will have to include Basra to Kuwait.”

“The Iraqis should not pay for the policy of the former regime and Kuwait has to behave in a good way regarding this issue without affecting the families of the borders because these territories are about 16 KMs and will not be useful for Kuwait because it is taken by violation.”

He stressed the necessity of “Adhering to the International Court to reconsider the borders with Kuwait and Iran which is also violating the Iraqi territories where the sides have to think about settling this issue.”

It is worth mentioning that the families of Um Qasr district are affected by reconsidering the borders with Kuwait and they were requested to leave their lands in the last week.