Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Majid reveals involvement of parliament MPs in terrorist actions

Majid reveals involvement of parliament MPs in terrorist actions

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Yasin Majid, of the State of Law Coalition revealed the involvement of MPs in terrorist actions.

In a press conference held at the parliament building on Monday, he said “The lack of security in Iraq is not a security terrorism, but a terrorism for political purposes done by some internal political sides associated with foreign sides,” noting that “There are some MPs involved in terrorist actions.”

Regarding hosting the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in the parliament over the security breaches, he said “Hosting Maliki contradicts the internal system where the hosted person has to set the date and not the parliament as what is being followed with all the ministers,” describing the call of the parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, to host Maliki as “A big mistake,” assuring that “Nijaifi’s instance to “Make the parliament session that will witnesses Maliki’s hosting as a public one is for electoral purposes.”

“No official can accept the hosting request through the media outlets without receiving a formal letter,” he pointed out, noting that “This is not illegal, but also a provocative procedure shows the lack of politeness in the communication among the heads of the governmental institutions in Iraq.”