Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP describes Iraqi-Russian armament deal as "intricate"

MP describes Iraqi-Russian armament deal as "intricate"

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Hassan Jihad, member of the parliament Security & Defense Committee, described the armament deal with Russia as intricate and needs time to complete the investigations about it.

Jihad stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) on Tuesday “After completing the investigations about the deal by the mutual committee of the parliament, recommendations issued to refer this file to the Integrity Commission, the Finance Supervision Council and the General Prosecution,” noting “The Integrity Commission is the side which knows how to deal with this file.”

“The investigations are ongoing concerning this deal as it is intricate for there are certain persons from Russia and Lebanon are charged with the corruption accompanied this deal, so it needs time to settle this issue,” he stressed.