Monday, September 23, 2024


Nusayif calls government not to allow Kuwait to take territories to release Iraq from 7th Chapter of UN’s Charter

Nusayif calls government not to allow Kuwait to take territories to release Iraq from 7th Chapter of UN\

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya Slate called the government not to grant more territories to Kuwait in order to release Iraq from the Seventh Chapter of the United Nation’s Charter.

In a press statement received by, she said “Releasing Iraq from the Seventh Chapter of the UN’s Charter is a goal that we always tried to achieve , but it shout not affect Iraq by granting more territories from Um Qasr area to the Kuwaiti side.”

“Iraq must be released from the Seventh Chapter, but the Iraqi territories stolen by Kuwait are not less important than this issue,” she added.

She stressed the necessity of releasing the Kuwaiti lies regarding releasing Iraq from the Seventh Chapter for accepting the unjust reconsideration of the borders,” she concluded.