Sunday, September 29, 2024


Shahristani denies knowldge about forming negotiating delegation from Anbar

Shahristani denies knowldge about forming negotiating delegation from Anbar

Baghdad ( The Chief of the Ministerial Committee, the Deputy Prime Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, denied that his commission had been “informed of about existence of a negotiating delegation from the demonstrators to discuss their demands.”

Shahristani said after casting his vote in provincial elections to the reporter of Iraqi News ( on Saturday, that “We have not been informed formally about forming the demonstrators negotiating delegation,” pointing out that “More than [90] decisions have been taken by the Commission which included the demands of the demonstrators.”

He added that “Some of the demands are illegal and unconstitutional which require new legislations by the parliament.”

On the elections, the leader of the state of law coalition said that “With each elections stage the political process develops, and I wish the people to choose the best candidates as we respect the call of religious authority to grant the free choice of the voter, and we are ready to cooperate on the formation of local governments in order to improve the conditions of the provinces in various service areas and re-reconstruction of infrastructure.”