Monday, October 7, 2024


Kurdish MP rules out Barzani’s ability to run for 3rd term

Kurdish MP rules out Barzani\

Baghdad ( MP Haval Kwistani, of the parliament Change bloc stressed “Kurdistan Region President, Masoud Barzani cannot run for third term as President in the next presidential elections of the Region.”

Kwistani told Iraqi News “Barzani completed two successive Presidential terms, therefore he has no right to nominate for the new term according to the Kurdistan Region Presidency Law,” noting “The nomination should be open for all.”

“It is not the right of any qualified person to stand for the Kurdistan Region Presidential elections according to the nomination standards if he is independent or nominated by a slate or political party,” he added.

The Kurdistani opposition (the Kurdistani Islamic Union, Islamic Group, and Taghyeer Movement) has stressed that “It will present a nominee for the post of Kurdistan Region President during the upcoming elections planned in next September.”