Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi News report over Iraq’s elections shows decrease in participation ratio in 10 provinces

AIN report over Iraq\
Baghdad ( A new statistical report prepared by Iraqi News ( over the participation ratio in the provincial elections compared with 2009 provincial elections showed that “The ratio decreased in ten provinces while two other provinces preserved this ratio where none of the province witnessed an increase in the participation percentage.” has mentioned in a previous report that “The ratio of the participation in the local elections conducted in 12 provinces is 50% which is the same percentage of 2009 elections in 14 provinces.”

The new report refers that the highest decrease of the participation was in Baghdad which is up to 7% where it diminished from 40% to 33%.

While three other provinces registered decrease by 6% in Basra, from 48% to 42%, and Diyala from 57% to 51%, and Karbala from 60% to 54%.

The decrease of participation in Salah il-Din province was 4% from being 65% to 61%.

Four provinces registered decrease up to 2% which are: Babel from 56% to 54%_ Najaf from 55% to 53%_ Wasit from 54% to 52%_ Maysan from 46% to 44%

Only one province registered decline up to 1% in Muthanna from being 60% to 59%.

However, two provinces kept on the rate of participation if compared to the rate of 2009 that are Diwaniya province 58% and Dhi Qar 50%.

Nineveh and Anbar’s local elections scheduled in next Sept are expected to witness participation higher than that of 2009 where Nineveh’s ratio was 60% while Anbar’s was 40%.