Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Maliki forms commission to investigate Hawija events

Maliki forms commission to investigate Hawija events

Kirkuk (IraqiNews.com) The Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki instructed to form ministerial commission to investigate the events of Hawija district of Kirkuk province.

A statement by the Premier’s office cited on Tuesday “The commission is headed by the Deputy Premier, Salih al-Mutleg, with membership of each of the Deputy Premier for Energy, Hussein al-Shahristani, the Acting Minister of Defense, Sadoon al-Dulaimi, the Minister of Human Rights, Mohamed al-Sudani, and the State Minister for Parliament Affairs, Safa’ al-Din al-Safi. The commission is tasked to investigate the events of Hawija district and punish the abusers.”

“An instruction was issued to compensate the affected people and cure the injured persons,” according to the statement.

A joint force comprising the Rapid Intervention forces and army force has stormed on Tuesday the protest square in Hawija of southern Kirkuk in search of the perpetrators of the attack on the security forces on last Friday.