Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Sadrist MP accuses Maliki’s Coalition of forging elections’ results of Diwaniya

Sadrist MP accuses Maliki\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Iqbal al-Ghurabi of Ahrar bloc associated to Sadr Trend accused the State of Law Coalition headed by Premier Nouri al-Maliki of pressurizing the Independent High Electoral Commission to manipulate the results of the local elections of Diwaniya province.

Ghurabi said “We monitored irregularities in the results of the elections in Diwaniya for favor of certain bloc and we also figured out pressures practiced on the IHEC especially by the SLC.”

“The results published are not true especially in Diwaniya where the official reports referred that the number of participators in the elections reached 376000 voters while the actual number is 360000,” she added noting “This gives a chance for forgery for favor of certain political blocs including the SLC.”