Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Many tirbes withdraw from Anbar protests yard

Anbar ( The tribes of Albu Faraj, Albu Fahad, Albu Maree and Albu Ubaid withdrew from the protests in Anbar province due to the murder crime committed against five Iraqi soldiers who were assassinated near the protest yard in Anbar.

Informed source from Anbar Governorate said in a press statement Saturday “The head of Albu Faraj tribe, Ahmed Turki Muslih, announces withdrawal of his tribe from the protest yard due to murder of five Iraqi soldiers.”

“On the other hand, the Tribes of Albu Fahad, Albu Maree and Albu Ubaid also withdrew from the yard for the same reason,” the source added, noting that “The Shiekh of Albu Ubaid tribe, Satar Hamid, instructed to remove the tents from the yard.”

It is worth to mention that “Five IA soldiers were killed and others were injured due to armed clashes between IA and gunmen near Ramadi protest yard.

The Anbar Operations Command and Abar Police Command gave the protests in Ramadi 24 hours to hand over the assassins of the five soldiers for justice.