Sunday, September 29, 2024


Sadrist MP demands to deliver assassins of Iraqi soldiers

Sadrist MP demands to deliver assassins of Iraqi soldiers

Baghdad ( MP Ali Muhsin al-Timimi, of Ahrar Bloc within Sadr Trend demanded the Anbar tribes to deliver the assassins of the five soldiers to the judicial authorities.Speaking to, he stated ”Killing of the five Iraqi soldiers in Anbar is considered a criminal and cruel deed that is against the morals of Anbar people and tribes.”MP Timimi accused “The Qaeda terrorists and the elements of the former Ba’ath party of being responsible for killing the soldiers under the policy of the US Intelligence and in cooperation with some neighboring countries.””The Iraqi Army forces are Demanded not to fall in this trap which aims to create clashes between security forces and the protesters,” he assured. Five unarmed soldiers were assassinated nearby protests yard and the security forces granted 24 hours for the protesters to deliver the killers of the soldiers. \END\