Monday, September 23, 2024


USA condemns killing of 5 soldiers in Anbar

US Embassy Condemns Killing of Anbar Soldiers
US Embassy Condemns Killing of Anbar Soldiers

Baghdad ( The USA condemned the incident of killing five soldiers in Ramadi city, capital of Anbar province, stressing its support for Iraq’s government and people to eliminate the scourge of the armed groups.

The US embassy in Baghdad said on Sunday “We regret the loss of life occurred in Iraq during the past week as we denounce the outrageous attack which targeted five Iraqi soldiers in Ramadi earlier this day.”

“We welcome the calls released by the notable figures in Anbar which demand to bring the culprits of this crime to justice as soon as possible,” the American embassy added.

“We will continue the work with Iraq’s government and people in order to wipe out the scourge of armed groups which seek to kill the innocents,” it added noting “We renew our call to conduct urgent investigation about the loss of life happened in Hawija district earlier this week.”